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- Junction boxes
- Surface hermetic PH
- Hermetic box PH-0A.1
Hermetic box PH-0A.1
Symbol: | Catalogue number: | EAN: |
PH-0A.1 | 28.1 | 5905548289908 |
Cat. No. | 28.1 |
Symbol |
Dimension A | 108 mm |
Dimension B | 73 mm |
Dimension C | 56 mm |
Dimension D | 15 mm |
The next element of the “PH” junction box is a cover available in two heights. Both elements (the casing and the cover) are connected by screws made of plastic, which ensures solid and anticorrosive connection. The hermetic box is equipped in a hermetic seal which ensures protection against dust and high protection degree (IP). Additionally hole plugs were applied as an element of insulation. They protect protruding parts of electrical elements which are inside the box. It can also be equipped in a terminal block, mounting plate or a DIN rail. HERMET box series includes “PO” round installation boxes which are usually used in single phase installations. They are available in three sizes and are equipped in flexible cable glands. The round junction boxes consist of the casing and a snap-fit cover that allows fast and comfortable closing and opening of the box. High protection degree (IP 44) ensures the right protection against humidity.
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