
  • Flush junction boxes Pp/t 3     (96 x 96 x 60,5),elektro-plast

Flush junction boxes Pp/t 3 (96 x 96 x 60,5)

Symbol: Catalogue number: EAN:
Pp/t 3 11.3 5903978376403

Cat. No. 11.3
Pp/t 3
Dimension A 100 mm
Dimension D 96 mm
Dimension B 100 mm
Dimension E 96 mm
Dimension C 62 mm
Weight 0,09 kg


Pp/t flush junction boxes are made of high mechanical and electrical durability plastics. The junction boxes are used in flush electrical wirings. Inside the junction boxes it is possible to install branch plates of two, three, four or five rails up to 10 mm2. They are equipped in weakening both in side walls and at the bottom, and they also have a special flange around that makes junction box mounting easier in cardboards. The boxes are also equipped in a paper hole plug which protects its inner side against getting dirty when the box is installed.

Flush junction boxes Pp/t 3     (96 x 96 x 60,5),elektro-plast

Rysunek Techniczny - Flush junction boxes Pp/t 3 (96 x 96 x 60,5)

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