
  • Gland Pg-29,elektro-plast

Gland Pg-29

Symbol: Catalogue number: EAN:
Pg-29 34.29 5905548282886

Cat. No. 34.29
Dimension D1 29 mm
Dimension D2 30,6 mm
Dimension B1 23,3 mm
Dimension L1 10,9 mm
Dimension L2 20,5 mm
Dimension L3 27,4 mm
for cable with a dimension of 18-25 mm
Wrapping / pcs.. 25

PG Glands are used to seal wire transitions through electric equipment casings. They are made of 6.6 polyamide, a weather-resistant material, that is highly resistant, self-extinguishing, halide and phosphorus free. They do not contain silicone additives. The special gland design prevents the wire from twisting inside and ensures high resistance to rupture. Easy to assemble. They allow to achieve the protection degree of IP 68 (leakproofness 10 bar according to EN60529). Its wide range of sizes enables to mount wires with a diameter of 3 mm to 44 mm. Operating temperature range: -40 °C to +85 °C (transitory up to +120 °C). Gray colour (RAL 7035). The glands are offered in a set together with a seal and a nut. 

Gland Pg-29,elektro-plast

Rysunek Techniczny - Gland Pg-29

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